Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

How Much Do Christians Have To Hate Jesus To Not Do This?

7 · 15 · 15


“then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:2

The Apostle Paul makes a plea to the Philippians, in verse one, that if they had any connection to Christ, he finishes his plea in verse 2. If we have any connection to Christ and His Spirit, he asks the Philippian believers, on his behalf, to be like minded, same love, and to be of one spirit and mind.

How much would they have had to dislike Paul not to honor that kind of request? He wasn’t asking for money or even a visit in prison, he just wanted the church he planted to get along.

How much must we hate Jesus, our Pastor, our Youth Pastors, if this is their heart as well, to shrug of such a request? Do we hate them enough to ignore their plea for unity (John 17), to unselfishly build God’s kingdom, to get behind the vision of the ministry? If we can’t get behind any of that why even go to church? Why be a Christian at all? Tough questions but we must ask them if we are to become more like Jesus and less like ourselves.

Let’s face it:

It’s easier to show up to church than love one another.

It’s easier to put money in the offering than it is to forgive someone.

It’s easier to sing a worship song than it is to get behind those who lead us.

Yet, so much is riding on the latter than the former.

Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments.” How much do we have to hate Jesus to not honor His request after all He has done for us?

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

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