Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Four Building Blocks of Outreach

11 · 15 · 11

I recently did a session for our kids ministry about the building blocks of outreach. Each principle builds upon another. Feel free to use this session with your leaders

Outreach Building Blocks

1. Passion drives everything.

Key Questions

Why did you get involved with this program? Tell me your story?

That story drives everything you do and will sustain you during difficult

2. We must eliminate the phrase “That’s too much work” from our mental vocabulary

Key Questions

How much work is too much work when our goals are critical?

If the best idea involves needing extra people, get them, if it involved vans, rent them, if it involves writing your own curriculum, write it. If the best idea will achieve your goals, then the extra work is not extra it’s necessary.

3. Are you sprinting or part of a marathon?  Thinking long term.

The problem can become our purpose. “Solve the problem.” becomes our mantra. The only problem is, there is another problem around corner. Once you start looking past the problem to the vision, the vision not only sustains you for now, it give you hope for the future. Get busy building the vision. Problem solved.

Key Questions

What would you like to see happen in this ministry?

3 months from now?

6 Months from now?

1 year from now?

4. Marketing is not a dirty word.

If you think you have a great program, talk about it. It’ not pride, it’s giving glory to God. God is moving in your ministry, in your kids, and in you. Your program is not perfect, but there is enough there to crow about. We should talk about our ministry as if it is the best place to serve in the church. If we do not believe that, no one else will either.

Key Questions

How should we get the word out? Click HERE for a Get The The Word Out Check List. You can use this tool to help you promote a special event or for how to get the word out about your weekly small group or youth group meeting.

What can we do that will make a kid hound his or her mother or father until they bring them?

What can we do in our printed pieces that best represent who we are?

How can we tap social media to get our message out about who we are, What God is doing, and why students should come be a part.

Final Note: 

Outreach is not an event. Outreach is ongoing, even when you are sleeping, Outreach happens inside the church as well as outside the church. Don’t limit yourself or the God you serve. God is outreaching and so should we:

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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