Rebuilding Your Declining Youth Ministry Part 4

If you’re following this series welcome to the fourth installment. If you’re new here, welcome to the party! You can start the series here. To summarize. Your first step to rebuilding your declining youth ministry, is not re-branding. Re-branding only covers up the internal problems that caused the decline in the first place. Instead, the…

Discomfort and Discipleship

There is nothing comfortable about real discipleship. It is the role of the the youth pastor, you, to create discomfort in your youth ministry all the while being hospitable. The evangelist Billy Graham used to say of his preaching, “I have come to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” I believe the youth pastor…

Why “What’s Next?” Is Not The Question You Should Be Asking In Youth Ministry

Paul Turner ยท Who’s Next with Terry Weaver My friend, and veteran youth worker, Terry Weaver and I talk about asking the wrong question in youth ministry. Most youth workers are asking “What’s Next?”. Listen in and find out what question we think youth workers should be asking post pandemic. Rather than offer a full…