Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

5 Words That Define A Successful Youth Staff Meeting

9 · 23 · 14

Five Words

We had our monthly Team Fusion meeting last night and as I was reflecting on what makes these meetings successful and I came up with five words.


We usually meet for about 90 minutes and a third of that is spent in jokes and laughter. These people like each other and it shows.


We eventually get to a point in the meeting where the conversations turns to the needs in the group and our adults begin to pour out stories of kids who are in need or crisis. We don’t wait until the end of the meeting because I know the needs can be great and we don’t want to treat this time lightly by rushing it.


Likewise, it is also inevitable that I ask, “Who are you connecting with?” and adults will share stories of kids they are getting to know. i love to share stories about kids journey’s and where they have come from to where they are now. These breathe hope into meeting and make us realize why we are meeting in the first place.


I had several projects on the table for this meeting. I constantly learning to let go and trust the people around me. Not an easy task if you knew me very well. I love when adults take ownership of the ministry even if it’s a small task.


Sometimes leaders have to push back or make me be more clear. A meeting without questions means I am not challenging them enough or that I am only dispensing information and not allowing more conversation. Sometimes I need to be more clear about what I am asking them to do so questions are not only welcome but vital.

If you’d like the outline of my youth staff meeting I’ll be happy to send it to you. Just e-mail me at

If you are interested in how to keep good volunteers long term, check out my new show Mentor Me Monday below

Your Turn

What words define a successful youth staff meeting to you?

Leave me some of your words in the comment below.


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