Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Two Important Questions To Help Us Clarify Our Calling

5 · 11 · 15

I just read a blog post by Brooklyn Lindsey called  What’s The Reason. It’s an article about why we choose youth ministry. Here are the two questions she asked and my answers.

Why do you do what you do?

I am in the same boat. I, along with my long suffering wife, are celebrating 30 years of being youth pastors and I have asked this question a lot lately. I know the impact that youth workers have had on my life and that was a good enough motivation for the first 15 years or so but the question is getting harder to answer which means God is up to something.

(Note: It took three years after writing this to the point where I could not come up with an answer. That’s when I knew it was time to retire from full time youth pastoring)

What do you believe to be true about yourself that keeps you serving?

I think students benefit from an older, fatherly voice and that works for (and against) me at times.

I think God has given me gifts that work well in this position.

I believe God will transition me when it’s His time not mine.

I believe I can make a difference in the lives of kids.

I believe that if Jesus traveled with me this far, he’ll do the same for my students if I can get them in the same vehicle with Him.

These are good sounding answers but they still feel like surface answers, stuff I say because I think that’s what I’m supposed to say even though they may be true. No matter our stage in life we owe ourselves better and deeper answers. Life’s too short to waste a moment doing something weren’t create for and what God hasn’t called us to.

I encourage you to visit the Lindsy’s blog and share your answers with her.

I was recently live steamed my Mentor Me Monday show, on Periscope, and talked more in depth about the calling to youth ministry.

Your Turn

Which of these questions resonate with you most?

Which is harder for you to answer?

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