Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

16 Ways To Add 16 Kids In 2016

11 · 16 · 15


16 for 16-2

16 Ways To Add 16 Kids

1. Give 16 kids $10 a week to show up ($8,320)
2. Tell kids every week Justin Bieber is showing up and then cancelled.
3. Show an episode of The Walking Dead every week.
4. UFC Fight between you and the Pastor
5. Exhaust yourself with big events every week.
6. Tell kids it’s Oprah Week every Wednesday (You get a car! And you get a car!)
7. Offer to do kids homework.
8. Give away puppies.
9. Preach on sex every week.
10. Make Coldplay songs your worship set.
11. Bunjee Jumping off the church roof.
12. Don’t talk about Jesus, sin, or discipleship.
13. Free beer.
14. Play dodgeball with live grenades. (although that will cut into your 16 kids margin a little)
15. Pray about things but never execute on anything.

Those are the 15 most ridiculous ways to add youth to your youth ministry. But number 16 is not.

16. Participate in 16 In 16

16 in 16 is something God dropped in my heart for churches that have 16 or less kids and want to add 16 kids in 2016.

How can I help you do this?

To the 16 churches who say they’d like to participate, here’s what I offer.

I am opening my entire library to you, for free. By the end of the year there will over $300 worth of resources available to you. This answers the excuse, “But we don’t have the budget”. So, what would you do if you had $300 worth of teaching, outreach, and game resources? You’ll have to sign up to find out.

In addition to the resources, I am offering, in audio version, 16 Impact Workshops on the 16 most important issues to you as a leader. Yes, they’re free as well complete with fill in the blank sheets.

Finally, you’ll be invited to group chats, Blab sessions, and a Facebook Group to talk about, complain about, and brag about your progress and I’ll help you make adjustments in real time.

So, what what are you waiting for? Well, do you want to add 16 kids to your youth ministry or not? Click here to fill out the form to apply.


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