Do you agree? 🧐🤔 pic.twitter.com/dYlkh4cz6W
— Larry Kim (@larrykim) April 18, 2018
Don’t lose your pen! pic.twitter.com/363yw0RmR1
— Joel Comm (@joelcomm) April 18, 2018
Justin Bieber Led Worship at a Coachella Event
A Free, Just-As-Good, Alternative To Photoshop?
What To Do When Everything Is Changing (Good for businesses, good for youth ministries)
Great insight about being a surviving artist (KJ-52)
Losing Students Without Losing Yourself (Click here for the show notes)
Is your youth group dying from low expectation? Brian breaks down on why the cost of faith should be high.
Great YG Countdown rom Delmar Peet
Real Doctor Reacts To The Good Doctor (TV Show) This would make a good parody video of a “Real” Christian Watching A “Fake” Christian and commentating.