The question is not if some people will dislike you.
The question is if the right people dislike you.
That’s one way you know you are doing the right thing– when the right people dislike you.— Ed Stetzer (@edstetzer) May 9, 2018
Trust God’s process with you. Some things you won’t understand for decades. Other things will wait til you see His face but this I promise you based on the authority of His immutable Word: He loves you, He sees You, He’s gifted you & He will be faithful to you. And yes He knows.
— Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) May 6, 2018
Satirical Babylon Bee interviewed by our local radio guys
Teenage Lands Met Gala Gig (File Under: Teens Can Do Anything!)
Trending : Older Couples Are Increasingly Living Apart. Here’s Why
What Does the Bible Say About Profanity
Why Parents’ Priorities Are Hurting Students
I Resigned My Youth Ministry Position. Now What?
Warning: Sometimes I recommend podcast that are not about youth ministry but about life, our walk with God and other stuff that matters. It may even be stuff you disagree with, and that’s kind of the point.
Nomad Podcast: How I Fell In Love With The Bible All Over A Again (Rachel Held Evans)
No Excuses – Casey Neistat talks with Fury Road Star Quentin Kenihan (some potty language)