Blogging A.D. Episode 4: Wrath

  With the attempted assassination of Pilate things are now spinning out of control for Caiaphas. Pilate says he will crucify 10 Jews every day until Boaz is captured. Each side is pressing to find him. Caiaphas’s underling is super sketchy, I would not want him skulking the city streets looking for me. Peter and…

Blogging A.D Episode 3: Pentecost

You can see my thoughts on other episodes starting with Episode 1 The continued unrest in Jerusalem is palpable. The tension and hatred between the zealots and the Romans is further  emphasized through the character Boaz who’s ready to throw down anytime, anywhere. Later on Boaz makes a killer (literally) retractable arm knife which he…

Blogging A.D. Episode 2

If you are just jumping in on the series, you can check out my summary of episode 1 HERE. Caution: There are spoilers (in regards to back story ) This episode begins with a compelling scene, not found in scripture, between Pilate and Caiaphas. It leaves us to imagine what could have been happening behind…

Blogging A.D. Episode 1

  I just finished watching A.D. The Bible Continues from producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnette. Did it live up to the hype? Being the first episode I give it high marks. The episode begins with the crucifixion and ends with the resurrection but it’s the in-between story lines that will make this series interesting.…