Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

I Didn’t Go To College For Youth Ministry, But Here I Am 26 Years Later

4 · 02 · 17

In fact, I did not gain a degree from any college. I am one class (Math) shy of an AA from my local community college. So, what’s a guy with no college degree in youth ministry busy doing creating his own courses on youth ministry? Before I answer this question, let me give you a little background.

When I was 18 I thought I had to ship myself off to college and get a degree in order to be a youth pastor. Three months in, I discovered something, I hated school. I hated doing things on someone else’s terms. My mind was abuzz with sermon ideas, programming ideas, and a whole lot more. So, I dropped out. Two years later I shipped myself off to a one year discipleship school that focused on practical youth ministry, and that is what I needed, hands on experience.

So, let me answer the question, “What’s a guy, who doesn’t have a youth ministry degree, doing making courses about Youth Ministry?” Because, I think most youth leader in my position want practical hands on advice, just like I did.

It’s for this reason I wanted to make courses for bi-vocational and volunteer youth workers who struggle to do what they feel called to do but have no time for college; as well as for those who did go to college, but walked away with out the arsenal of practicality they thought they’d receive.

So many youth workers spend hours searching on the internet to get by meeting to meeting  and piece meal a program without any cohesive plan. I want to change that. I want youth workers to save time and money and feel confident that someone is in there corner rooting them on.

The first course I’ve created is called Discipleship Foundations. In this course, I teach a biblical foundation of discipleship that will give you a stronger grasp on where you want to lead your students and give kids a picture of what it means to following Jesus every day.

Included in the course are downloadable pdf worksheets for each segment of the course, audio of each lesson, questions to answer for each course, and access to community message board.

I’ll hope you will check it out and receive the training and support you have been looking for.

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