Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

But, Do I Have To Preach About Christmas?

11 · 17 · 14


Do we have to preach about Christmas at Christmas time? I know that sounds like a dumb question but hear me out. I am very much opposed to the commerial-ization of Christmas. I don’t like to feel like I am a slave to the season and that I have to do something because of tradition or otherwise. When I was in youth group, our youth pastor would always give us a quiz similar to this quiz that would see how much we knew about the real Christmas and debunked Christmas myths such as the cultural three gifts-thee wise men proposition. The quiz sent us back to our bibles to get the real story. For years I used up time in youth group giving the quiz instead of meeting needs. Granted, most of the kids knew the truth but others did not. The kids I serve today know the story and this is why I am not preaching about Christmas this year.

There are lot of great curriculum and lessons out there which will help you teach through the Christmas story but I would challenge you to ask if that is what your kids really need this year? I am going to be the grandma this year and give something practical to my youth ministry this year (like underwear and socks) rather than the flashy video game system. My audience knows the Christmas story. They’ve heard it for years. This is why I am preaching on God’s Calling for the first few weeks in December. I am shrugging off the season in order to preach what my kids need. I will, as one youth worker shared, be sprinkling Christmas throughout the month with videos on our FB page, before service, and pictures with scripture on our Instagram.

Here’s the video I created to share with my YouTube subscribers, so you can hear my heart about it

As an adult believer I regard every day as Christmas and Easter. I am thankful for a Savior who came into the world to die for my sins. My hope is that this is the message I preach no matter what season our youth ministry is in.

Your Turn

Do you feel compelled to preach about Christmas just because it’s the season?

Are you having an un-traditional Christmas this year, what are you doing differently?

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