Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

3 Reasons Why I Kinda Care About The YouTube Music Awards

10 · 31 · 13




As a YouTube content creator, I care about what this new awards show means for the medium. As a Youth Pastor I care even more because it may give me some insight into my my students because of what they are watching or voting for.

If you are just now hearing about the YouTube Music awards, you can learn more by watching the video below.

I think the idea for the YouTube awards makes sense since it is the number one way teens now get their music so why not make the data crunching useful by giving awards away.

Another reason I care about the YouTube Music Awards is because it’s not just about music. We already have enough music and video awards that glorify the mundane and the profane. Nothing new. But, there are categories that will interest youth workers like myself such as

YouTube Phenomenon – What went viral in the past year

YouTube Breakthrough – New music artists who made their big break on YouTube, (artists your kids may be into)

YouTube Innovations – These are snazzy concept videos youth workers could take some creative inspirations from in making their own videos.

I’ll be sharing my top picks in the days leading up to the awards.

The YouTube Music Awards Airs Sunday November 3rd at 6:00 p.m. EST. Will you be watching?

[polldaddy poll=7523499]




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