Detecting and Protecting Your Team From The Negativity Virus

  Super-bug viruses are powerful and deadly. Doctors are frantically trying to keep up with how it spreads, where it is spreading, and it’s make up to come up with a shot that will counteract it. Equally as powerful and deadly is the super bug called Negativity and it can take team out quick. Let’s…

From Idea To Reality In Four Steps

We are coming off a great night last Wednesday. We saw our kids fulfill one students desire to have a youth choir. We showed that a kids idea can go from thought to reality. Step one in bringing a kids idea to fruition is first to listen for passion cues in key phrases. What is…

How Are You Protecting Your Young Men From The Worthless and the Wicked?

For the past couple of months I have been meditating on a “random” scripture from 2 Chronicles from 13. “Then worthless and wicked men gathered around him to resist Rehoboam son of Solomon when Rehoboam was young, inexperienced, and unable to assert himself agains them.” verse 7 I will trust that you will read the…

Solving For X in Youth Ministry

  I have been going back to school for the past two years to get my 2 year degree and eventually my four year degree. Part of this journey is taking Algebra. I hate algebra. I am a right brain kind of guy so numbers scare me. I tried to make the argument, to myself,…

Youth Pastors, Why Isn’t This In Our Job Description?

Failed Job Desciptions Schools teach Math, History, etc. The military teaches discipline, leadership, and job skills Sports teams teach sportsmanship and how to pay the game Churches run programs to keep people busy and not sin as much These are organization with a list of activities with no clear goals. What if they said, School’s…

Starting The Year Right With Your Parents

Happy New Year Everyone! Are you glad last year is gone and the new year is here? Me too. One of the way to start your new year off right is by touching base with your students’ parents. I recently sent out my first of the year e-mail to my parents and thought you might…

Can You Pass The Purity Test?

  I am a news junkie. I like to know what is going on. News organizations have started ramping up 2012 Presidential hopefuls for the Republican party. A phrase I keep hearing is “a purity code”. The various parties, both conservative, liberal, and tea, all have a code. They are asking “are they____________ enough to…