Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Small Youth Group? Big Opportunities

7 · 21 · 24

How many seniors did you graduate this year? Enough to make your youth group radically shrink? I graduated one senior, but in a youth group that consistently runs 7, it’s like losing 5. I also consider the energy this senior brings, he’s a binding agent, a glue that keeps everyone uplifted and is a great leader.

This is not say that the rest of my youth group aren’t leaders or bring their own gifts and talents to the table, I have full faith in them, but there will be a gap to fill. This year will just look and feel different and that’s where an opportunity comes in.

Positive aspects of a smaller youth group

  • Deep Dives: This is a chance to do more in-depth studies on topics your students are interested in. You can have open discussions and explore their faith in a meaningful way.
  • Stronger Bonds: With a smaller group, you can build closer relationships with each student. This allows for better mentorship and personalized guidance.
  • Creative Flexibility: You have more freedom to tailor activities and events to their specific interests and needs. Try new things together and see what resonates!

Capitalize on the smaller group

  • Student-Led Discussions: Empower your students by letting them take the lead on discussions or presentations. This builds confidence and fosters a sense of ownership.
  • Service Projects: Choose service projects that are manageable for a small group but impactful. This allows them to see the real-world connection of their faith.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Pair students with mentors within the church or community. This provides additional guidance and role models.


  • Connect with Parents: Keep parents informed and engaged through regular updates and opportunities to participate.
  • Promote Outreach: Look for ways to attract new students, but don’t feel pressured by numbers.
  • Focus on Quality: The smaller size allows you to create a truly meaningful and impactful experience for these four students.

Extra Tip: Consider collaborating with other local churches with small youth groups for joint activities or events.

By focusing on the advantages of a smaller group, you can create a strong, impactful ministry for your dedicated students.

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