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and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
And he will come again. This brings me great comfort and great anxiety. Since I do not when he is coming back, my hope is that I’ve having a “good day” in my faith.
In an Old English version of the prayer the term “the quick and the dead” is used. This term makes me think of the movie, by the same name starring Russel Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone, and Gene Hackman about a gunfight tournament. The gunfight is held every day at noon. When the clock strikes 12 guns are drawn and the best man (or woman) wins. As with many movies, there are subplots where you are hoping justice will be served and the movie does not disappoint. Real life will not disappoint either.
I was recently asked if I believe in Universalism, the belief that every one gets to go to heaven no matter if they accepted Christ or not. I responded that because I believe in God’s desire to see justice in our world and in the world beyond, I cannot believe in Universalism. I believe the Scriptures confirms this as well.
I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.” Ecclesiastes 3;17