I wrote Transformed because I wanted kids to see themselves as works of art in progress. They are unfinished, but no less beautiful or valuable.
In this three week series we cover the transformations of people like Paul, Peter, the woman at the well and more. We look at their lives before and after meeting Jesus and the process in-between. We use stories about art, phone apps, hands on art projects, small groups and more to drive home the point that we can be transformed by the power and grace of God.
I’d love for you to give it a try. This is a money back guarantee, if you don’t like it, I’ll give your your money back. It’s that simple. Check it out HERE.
The series includes
– Opening activity ideas
– Art related activities
– Power Point and Keynote Slides
– Small Group Questions
– Promo Art Work
– Movie and Music Suggestions
– Curriculum Coach Audio
The series is flexible and you can design it anyway you’d like to meet the needs of your specific kids.
And remember, you are in the transformation process as well. God is not done with you yet. Keep going, and one day you will spread your wings and fly as well.