Many of the posts I write, podcasts I record and videos I make are letters to myself. They are the result of reflection and introspection and what I feel like God is saying to me in the moment. And, although they might be things God is telling me, they may also be something someone else needs to hear and this is one of those time.
This particular post started with the word listen, as if God were trying to get my attention.
See if this resonates with you.
I know things haven’t worked out quite you planned, but it’s going to be ok.
I know It’s been a hard few years, change, death and disappointment, but it’s going to be ok.
I know your future is in flux, you’re on unsteady ground, you’ve never been here before, but it’s going to be ok.
I know your options are thin and it looks like no one is cheering you on, but it’s going to be ok.
I know you’ve tried and failed over and over again, but it’s going to be ok.
I know your faith has been tested, you’ve lost more than you’ve won, but it’s going to be ok.
I know you feel alone, like no one is there for you, but you are never alone and it’s going to be ok.
I know it’s hard to trust, hard to believe, but now is the time to believe, more than ever, because it’s going to be ok.
– A letter to myself and anyone else who feels this way.
At the time of of this post, it’s getting towards the end of the year, the holidays are starting to kick in and we start looking back at what has been and forward to what could be.
Life is more than work, more than ministry. It’s easy to see ourselves in a role and not as a person whom God is deeply in love with an rooting for. Just know this, whatever your year has been like, it’s going to be ok.
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