Hey LFYC Campers!
Forst let me say I love you guys! You were a great group this year and God did some amazing things in our midst and in our hearts. I hope the week was a powerful for you as it was for me. As I promised here is a bunch of the stuff I used this week like the Bad Evangelism video and the video, our Alabama Disaster relief. Oh, and even the Oliver video clip
Here is a list of the songs we sang this week
What The World Will Never Take
Rascal Flatt’s I Won’t Let Go
If you have pictures or video from the week please send it to me at thedproject@me.com
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
Don’t forget to download the 40 Day Sweat Club devotion. If you are needing more devotions please check the free resource. page.