Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Beyond the Numbers: How Youth Pastors Can Make A Lasting Impact

10 · 06 · 24

So, there are 700,800 hours in an 80-year lifespan.

Let’s say, as a youth pastor, you spend the max time with a student each week for one hour. That student doesn’t miss a week for 6 years (6th through 12th grade)

The number of hours you’ll spend with them in youth meetings, until they graduate, if your youth meeting is at least one hour, equals 312 hours.

Let’s say neither of you miss a Sunday for 6 years, so add another 312 hours totaling 624 hrs. Spent with a student.

Let’s be generous, add another 50 hours a year for events like, camps, lunches, etc. giving you another 300 hours bringing the total to 924 hours spent in the vicinity of a student, micro conversations. etc.

That is 0.132% of their total time on the planet, less than 1%.

Based on this, you would be right to say that the number of hours spent with students don’t matter and you would be right,

Before you get discouraged, it’s not about the amount of time you spend with a student that will be the greatest influence, it’s the impact you can make in the time you do have with that student.

Here are 3 ways to make the most of that time and increase the chances of that young person becoming a life long follower of Jesus.

Pray for them, but better to pray with them

Look for opportunities to pray with a student one on one or in small group of 2-3. Prayer hits different when that young person knows you’re praying heaven down on THEM and not 1 of 20 or 100.

Teach the gospel, but better to do the gospel

Your students won’t remember your messages but they will remember how you took them out in the neighborhood to meet needs, share the gospel, visit new comers or people who have not been to youth in a while. I talk more about this in ​my book The Disciple Project. ​

Be an encourager, but better to be a prophet

Catch students doing something good and affirm it. If they contribute to the conversation, spotlight that. I would go as far to say that you could be a prophet in life, calling out would you see in them and what could be in their lives. Words carry forward.

Maybe you’ve heard motivational speakers, influencers talk about becoming 1% better in life, work, etc. and that’s a great goal but remember, while the percentage of time you spend with a student may seem small, the impact you can make is immeasurable.

By focusing on prayer, action, and encouragement, you can create lasting relationships that will shape the lives of your students for years to come. Your commitment to guiding them towards a lifelong relationship with Jesus will leave an enduring legacy that extends far beyond the the youth group meeting.

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