Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

7 Resources To Offer Guests In Your Youth Group Zoom Meeting

4 · 19 · 20

Whether you’re meeting on Zoom or some other video conferencing tool, you can still welcome guests by offering them both fun and spiritual resources.

First, set up a download page. This can be a page on your youth group website, a free blog page like Blogger or Tumbler or you can create a special Facebook group for guests. Whatever you choose, make sure your guests can access video and downloadable resources. I have created a sample page right here.

For downloads, use something like Dropbox or Google Drive where you leave a leave a link guests can use to download the material you are offering.

Welcome video from student/youth pastor

You, or you and a student, can make a video and embed it into your webpage or leave a link where students can click on it to see it. You want to keep students on your guest page so they will access all the resources you have provided so embedding the video is the best choice.

Music Playlist

This music playlist can be put together on Spotify or Apple Music and can be anything from a worship playlist to a Pandemic Dance Party. If possible, create several playlists that you can offer depending on the guest you have.

If’s it’s someone from another church, offer youth youth groups top 10 favorite worship songs, if your guest is more into hip hop, send them a top ten Christian Hip Hop playlist. Not sure what they’re into, ask them in chat or ask everyone what they’re favorite kind of music is.

In the end, you could decide to post three different playlists and let them explore all of them.


These devotions can be something you have written or you could offer one I have written. I would not make it more than a five to seven day devotional so kids will not feel overwhelmed.

These devotions could about the topic you’re speaking on giving students more food for thought for the week.

The devotion could also include a journaling page to allow students to express their thoughts each day.

Playlist of youth group activities or a youth group trailer

If you have a youtube channel, you can embed the video on your website or create a playlist of videos from past youth group activities BC (before Covid- 19) and leave a link for students to click.

The goal of sharing these videos is to give your guest a wider view of who you are, that whatever they have just experienced on Zoom is not everything you are and could help them become interested in showing up, physically, to your youth group AC (After Covid-19)

Coupon for swag when you get back together

Be sure to offer a coupon for a wristband, t-shirt, hat, etc. something that would encourage our guest to return and pick up their gift when the pandemic is over.

Boredom Busting Ideas

Offer a of list of things new students should try to overcome their boredom. This could turn this into a scavenger hunt of sorts to see who would try some of the things on your list. The list could include:

  • Cook something from scratch
  • Try a Tik Tok hack.
  • Read a book you haven’t finished
  • Learn a board game and invite your family to play
  • Explore your artistic talents and create something every day

Invitation to more online community

If you have Sunday school, invite them to watch on Instagram.

If you have a Fortnite or League of Legend Team, invite them to join.

Don’t leave your guests hanging, make sure they have options to join you again so you can deepen your relationship with them.

Here’s a sample page I have created for you so you can see what all this looks like.

These are crazy times, but relationship rules sill apply. Just because your meeting is virtual doesn’t mean new students don’t want more of what you have. The hope, I hope, of all youth ministries, virtual or real, is to welcome guests, build relationships, and pray that your guests discover the One you meet for and about, Jesus Christ.

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