Living Your Oscar Speech

  photo credit: I watched about half of the Oscars, after The Walking Dead of course. and I reflected on some of the speeches. I love Jennifer Lawrence of Hunger Games fame and now an Oscar winner for Silver Linings Playbook. She is young and unpretentious and her speech was honest and heartfelt. Some use…

Turning Our Youth Meetings Into Art Classes

  art /ärt/ Noun The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture,…: “the art of the Renaissance” Works produced by such skill and imagination. I have always had an artistic streak. I have an eye for design, I love to write, I enjoy…

What Do You Believe About Teenagers?

What did Jesus believe about his disciples? Look at the tasks He gave them. Look at what He trusted them with. Look at how He spoke to them. Look at  the authority He gave them. Jesus did what he believed, even when it led to betrayal, hurt, and frustration. What do you believe about teenagers?…

What Is Your Back Up Plan?

What if you lose a key leader? Do you have a back up plan? We recently lost a student leader who played a key role in our group from a skill level and a social level. It was due to some relational and family things beyond my control. We did everything to keep them and…