Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Facing the Fear Of Trying Something New

3 · 19 · 12

Trying something new can be scary. It might fail, worse, it might succeed and then you have to keep succeeding. Recently I started doing announcements via Facebook (example above). Although I do not shy away from the spot light, it was still scary because I knew I would be judged on it. My fear was, “I’ll be criticized by parents, students, or fellow youth workers.” None of my fears appeared. Not only am I no longer fearful, I am becoming more comfortable and more creative as I go. That is the result of doing what you fear. Not only was I not criticized, but I was rewarded with positive comments. The conditions will never be perfect to try something new so what what are you waiting for?

What are you afraid to try?

What are you afraid of trying but you are doing it anyway?



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